OPACC ByLaws ARTICLE I – GENERAL Section 1.  Name:             This organization is incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois and is known as “The Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerce.” Section 2.             This Association is organized for the purpose of...

ED Job Posting

OPACC is looking for a new Chief Executive Officer! Job Posting Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerce CEO The Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerce (OPACC) is seeking a strong leader for the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The primary role of the CEO is to...


Sensory Carnival will be held on Friday, June 14, 2024 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Registration will be required for large organizations. Click here to register your group. For more information about this event, please see the flyer below.   Weekend schedule for...


Marketing OPACC Image Gallery Member Opportunities Website Links: NO CHARGE to link your site to ours when you provide your website address! Member-to-Member Program: NO CHARGE to add a Member Exclusive offer to your entry on our website which encourages everyone...


The Chamber's Story The history of the Orland Park Area Chamber of Commerce (OPACC) can be traced back as early as 1916 and was named the Southwest Towns Chamber of Commerce. Many towns throughout the Southwest Cook County area formed the organization. The Chamber’s...